Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Treatments of Parkinsons Disease

Treatments of Parkinsons Disease Parkinsons disease is a neurological condition that affects the sufferers mobility and speech. It affects the central nervous system, leading to a persons inability to control muscles throughout the body. It is a disease whose treatment does not intend to cure it but instead, aims at controlling its manifestation. There are various ways in which this can be done. It may involve the use of drugs or the performance of surgery. Doctors strongly recommend exercise to try to keep muscles strong. It progresses gradually or severely from the early stages with mild symptoms to later stages with severe symptoms. The disease is a result of lowered formation and action of dopamine which is produced by the dopaminergic neurons found in the brain. This knowledge led to the formation of drugs that will either increase the formation or mimic the actions taken by dopamine in the brain. This was important because an increase in the levels of dopamine would lead to a reduction of the effects of the disease. All the drugs used to control the disease include dopamine as their main active agent regardless of how it works. Depending on which class of drugs it belongs to, it may either mimic or produce dopamine. Among the earliest forms of treatments are the anticholinergics. These were used even before the introduction of Levodopa, which is now the most widely used drug. The anticholinergics had very little benefits when compared to the harmful side effects caused by usage. The side effects include having a dry mouth, urine retention (which especially occurs among men), and very severe constipation and nausea. There are some other side effects that occur that are more serious and are among the major reasons why the use of these drugs has become minimal. These include confusion, memory loss, and hallucination (http://www.mayoclinic.com). The realization that the benefits seen were much less than the side effects it causes has led to the reduction of its prescription. Since some anti-depressants and antihistamines tend to have almost the same effect as the anticholinergics, doctors will prescribe them to older people who are suffering from this terrible disease. Once an individual experiences any of the serious severe symptoms, it is advised that the use of the drug be stopped immediately. Levodopa is a drug that was introduced in 1967 and is currently the most commonly used drug. It is most commonly referred to as Sinemet and is used to help restore ones control over ones muscles. Levodopa is referred to as the gold standard of Parkinsons treatment because it is usually used as the first line of defense. The reason a sufferer of Parkinsons cant just take Dopamine itself is because Dopamine cannot breakthrough the blood-brain barrier. Levodopa can get through this barrier and is converted to Dopamine once it reaches the brain. It therefore increases the level of Dopamine and counters the effects of the disease. The conversion to Dopamine is what leads to the positive effects that a patient experiences when using the drug (Henkel). Levodopa however has very serious side effects which include nausea and dyskinesias (involuntary movement). This occurs because only a small percentage of the drug actually reaches the brain to be transformed into Dopamine. The rest of it is transformed into dopamine in the body. It therefore becomes necessary to use Carbidopa, which delays the metabolism of Levodopa until it reaches the dopaminergic neurons in the brain. The combination helps reduce the side effects caused by the drug. Carbidopa delays the metabolism of Levodopa, keeping it from metabolizing in the body. This helps to greatly reduce the side effects felt by the user. The other problem posed by the use of this drug is that its dosage needs to be increased over time. It has also been observed to work on and off without any explanation or reason. This makes it unreliable because its effects are not constant, and at times the patient gets violent attacks while still under medication. The various side effects and unreliability of levodopa leads to the necessity to combine it with various other drugs to make it more effective. Some of these drugs can be used on their own while others actually require to be used with the Levodopa-Carbidopa combination. A cluster of drugs called Dopamine agonists are usually used in a combination with the Levodopa-Carbidopa drugs. They can however also be used on their own if the disease has not greatly progressed. Also, it is recommended that these drugs only be used alone in young adults. This class of drugs does not produce or help in the production of dopamine but instead imitates the effects that Dopamine has in the body. They tend to act on behalf of Dopamine (http://www.mayoclinic.com). This class of drugs include; Apokyn, Requip, Parlodel and Mirapex. Parlodel has been used very little of late. This is because it had very serious side effects that endangered the patient more than it benefited him/her. It would cause inflammation in the lungs and/or heart valves of the user and would lead to further deterioration of the patients health. In general this class of drugs has side effects that are almost similar to those of carbidopa-levodopa but with slight differences. The effects of having involuntary movement are reduced while those of hallucinations and/or sleepiness are increased. The drug Mirapex takes up the role of dopamine in the body as it is one of the dopamine agonists. When it is used in the absence of Levodopa-Carbidopa, it causes a 30% improvement in the health of the patient. When used in combination, it is able to reduce the intake of the Levodopa dosage by about 25%. Requip is also a dopamine agonist that can also be used either alone or with Levodopa. When used together with Levodopa, it can reduce the intake of Levodopa by around 31%. The reduction of Levodopa dosage decreases side-effects to the patient (Henkel). Catechol-o-methyltransferace inhibitors, which are usually abbreviated as COMT inhibitors, are used to block the enzymes that break down the Levodopa into Dopamine before it reaches the brain. They can be used in combination with the Carbidopa-Levodopa therapy. The two main COMT inhibitors are Tasmar and Entacapone. Tasmar is rarely used because of its severe impact on the health of the user. It causes severe liver damage and hence is only used as a last resort if the patient has failed to respond to any other therapy (http://www.mayoclinic.com). Entacapone does not have side-effects as severe as those of Tasmar and is therefore recommended over Tasmar. Its major side-effect is the involuntary movements experienced by the user. It works in conjunction with the Carbidopa-Levodopa therapy by increasing their availability. This is done by blocking the enzymes that break down the substance into Dopamine until the drug is already in the brain. This then means that the effects of Levodopa-Carbidopa are prolonged because they occur only in the brain. Stalevo, another drug, is the result of a combination of Carbidopa, Levodopa and Entacapone. Selegiline, also referred to as Eldepryl, is another drug that can either be used with or without the presence of Carbidopa-Levodopa therapy. It works by preventing the metabolism of Dopamine. It does this by slowing down the activity of one of the enzymes that metabolize Dopamine. This is the monoamine oxidase B which is abbreviated as MAO-B. The use of Selegiline has other positive effects like delaying the need of Carbidopa-Levodopa. When combined with Carbidopa-Levodopa it improves the effectiveness of the drug. It can however have some adverse toxic reactions when combined with Demerol which is a narcotic drug. Apart from ingesting drugs, they can be administered through the skin through the use of a silicon-based patch. Rotigotine is a dopamine agonist drug that can be administered through the skin, but can only be used in the early stages of the disease. This is called Neupro-rotigotine transdermal system. The patch has to be changed every 24 hours. It works by stimulating the Dopamine receptors in the body. Its side-effects include skin reaction where the patch is, hallucinations, insomnia, drowsiness, sleep-attacks, nausea, vomiting and the most severe is the reduction in blood pressure once the person stands up (http://www.fda.gov). Amantadine is another drug that is used in treatment of Parkinsons disease but its use was discovered by accident. Initially it was created to be an antiviral used in the treatment of influenza and was approved as such in 1976 by the Food and Drug Administration. It was however discovered to provide short term relief when used alone in the early stages of the Parkinsons disease. When it is combined with Carbidopa-Levodopa it can be used by those in the later stages. It has side effects that mostly involve swelling of the ankles and turning skin color purple (http://www.mayoclinic.com). In every human beings body, there is the presence of coenzyme Q10 which is produced by the mitochondria. This enzyme is used in the transport of electrons so that they can gain energy from the oxygen inhaled. This is done in the process called cellular respiration. The levels of this enzyme are very low in those suffering from Parkinsons disease. These people can therefore benefit greatly by having more of this enzyme. This can only be achieved by taking supplements which can be bought from a pharmacy. This aids in helping to slow down the onset of the disease. Apart from the use of drugs, there are various surgeries that can be used to control the effects of the disease. One of the surgeries is pallidotomy which involves the destruction of a small bit of the globus pallidus. Doctors believe all people who are suffering from Parkinsons have an overactive globus pallidus. The procedure is done by drilling a small hole in the skull and using an electric probe to kill part of the pallidus. It can only be done when the patient is sedated but awake so the doctor can judge the patients reactions to stimuli. There is a globus pallidus on each side of the brain, but the operation can only be done on one side at a time. Its side effects mostly involve impaired speech (http://www.fda.gov). Thalamotomy is another surgical procedure used in the control of Parkinsons disease. It is only performed on those patients who are experiencing tremors in either the hands or the arms that become too severe to handle. Usually the tremors are so bad they disable the person. It involves the destruction of a specific group of cells that are located in the thalamus in the brain. The surgery reduces or completely eliminates the tremors in around 90% of those who undergo the procedure (http://www.fda.gov). There is also the presence of a gadget that can be compared to the pacemaker used for cardio problems. It is known as the brain pacemaker (http://www.fda.gov). This form of therapy is referred to as Active Tremor Control Therapy. It involves the surgical implantation of an insulated wire to the brain. It is placed in the thalamus region of the brain, the subthalamic nucleus, and also the globus pallidus area of the brain. The whole system includes three components which are the: lead, extension and the neurostimulator. This system is referred to as Deep Brain Stimulation because it occurs directly inside the brain. A small hole is made in the skull and through it the lead is inserted into the brain. The lead is a very thin insulated wire. The tip of the lead is in contact with the area that has been targeted. Once it has been implanted, it is connected to the neurostimulator by the extension which is also an insulated wire (http://minds.nih.gov). The extension passes under the skin and moves from the head, to the neck, the shoulder and finally to where the neurostimulator is located. The neurotransmitter is located either under the collarbone, in the abdomen or the lower chest area just directly under the skin. The neurotransmitter involves a battery pack that sends electrical impulses to the brain. This is done through the extension and the lead. When the person is undergoing tremors, he or she is supposed to pass a handheld magnet over the location of the neurostimulator. The electrical impulses that are sent by the neurostimulator work by blocking the electrical signals that are the cause of the Parkinsons disease symptoms. They are dysfunctional brain signals and they are the cause of the tremors. This procedure is preferred because it does not destroy the nerve cells and when one wants to stop its use it is as easy as having the system surgically removed. Works Cited Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinsons Disease Information. NINDS. 22 Nov. 2007 . Henkel, John. Parkinsons Disease: New Treatments Slow Onslaught of Symptoms. FDA. 22 Nov. 2007 . Neupro Patch for Parkinsons Approved. FDA. 22 Nov. 2007 . Parkinsons Disease: Treatment. MayoClinic. 22 Nov. 2007

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Conflict Management Styles Essay -- Business, Handling Conflicts

Conflict is known to be inseparable in all human interactions. In any organization, role differentiation acquires the different uses of conflict handling styles. Work direction, reward, supervision, discipline and performance review also involve the use of conflict handling styles. Organizational change and control is also viewed from a conflict perspective. In attempts to explain the nature or dynamics of a particular organizational phenomenon, conflict may be incorporated as a causal factor (Brown and Peterson, 1993). Our society is concerned with the issue on how the skills of leaders can be enriched so as to enable them to act with greater proficiency when their contributions are from dealing with and through people especially their subordinates. One way of looking into this issue is from the conflict perspectives. The attention to interpersonal relationships is due to our belief that sound leader-subordinate relationships are important and consistent with humanistic and cooperative work environment sought by contemporary leaders. It is also believed that positive interpersonal relationship at workplace is able to increase subordinates’ satisfaction with leader and subordinates with high levels of satisfaction are more likely to be committed to the organization (Brown and Peterson, 1993). Differences in the perception of conflict possess implication in its own right. This is due to leaders uses of conflict styles may be reinforced by subordinates’ responses or the leader may anticipate subordinates’ reaction to the use of conflict styles. It is worthwhile for the leader to be aware of the existence of multiple sources of conflict in work situations and how it promote subordinates’ job satisfaction sin... ...nd Kabanoff (1990) support these dimensions. Applying good management principles in building quality relationships with people will help to prevent or at least lessen conflict. In spite of the best efforts at prevention, conflict does arise. The secret is to learn to cope positively with conflict, and not to see it as an enemy to peace, but an opportunity for growth in relationships (Laue, 1981, and Blome, 1983). In the past, management theorist used the term conflict avoidance, but today this phrase is increasingly replaced with the phrase of conflict management. Conflict management recognizes that while conflict does have associated costs, it can also bring with it great benefits. It is for this reasons that today’s managers seek not to avoid, but to manage conflict within the organization (Nurmi and Darling, 1997; Su-Mei Lin, 2003).

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Diversity (Women and Lgbt)

Associate Program Material Diversity Organizations Worksheet Complete the following table with notes and thoughts related to your findings: Site| Thoughts/Notes| www. madre. org| International women’s human rights organization that uses human rights to advance social justice. This organization’s mission is to advance women’s human rights all over the world. | http://justice-equality. org| Organization for Justice and Equality. This organization’s goal is the upholding of justice and the promotion of equality in the U. S.Their emphasis is on civil rights, government policies and operations, ethical issues and consumer grievances. | www. thetrevorproject. org| A national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth. This organization is the only one that focuses only on teens and young adults. They are also the leading crisis resource for anti-bullying initiatives. | W rite a 750 to 1,050- word paper answering the following questions: * What has been the status of women in the United States throughout history?Throughout history, women have always been beneath men in the amount of respect they received, the lack of equality of rights and more recently salary. Even though women are stronger than men emotionally and sometimes it seems women are stronger than men when it comes to giving birth and then taking care of the family, while still working a full time job, women still get the short end of the stick. Even the Catholic Church doesn’t recognize women as the head of the household. There is no wonder; the Catholic Church doesn’t allow women in the pulpit either. * What is the status of women in the U. S. oday? The current status of women in the United States has improved a lot in the past 80+ years. Women don’t have to stay at home and raise the children any longer, where in the past there wasn’t a question of it happeni ng. Women now have equal rights in most areas in the country, but they are still behind in the salary department especially in specific industries. Women now hold positions as CEOs of large companies, but again their salary might be a bit lower than that of a man working for a different company The fact that women can take on just about any occupation available is a big change also.There are many occupations that are male oriented, but women have busted through some of those walls also. * What are some examples of concepts or constructions of masculinity and femininity that you see in society and in media? Concepts of masculinity in society lately have been young men sporting short hair again and wearing button down shirts with jeans. Also some middle-age and older men are starting to grow out their beards. This is most noticeable in the media though. Examples of concepts of femininity seem to change too often to notice. It seems though that short skirts are on their way back though in general.I have not noticed anything significant with the women in media or even with celebrities. The only time anything is really noticeable is during the award shows, but then that is just fashion for one evening. * Historically, what has been the social status of GLBT people? Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgender and recently Questioning people have had a harder road than some of the larger minority groups in this country. Many years ago, being a ‘gay’ male or ‘lesbian’, might have meant they were going to lose their friendships or connection to family.The alternative lifestyle has opened up the doors of discussion in churches and all the way up to the White House. They have been an unaccepted people for a very long time. All the people of the GLBTQ community want is to have the same rights as married heterosexuals when it comes to marriage and adoption, as well as just to be accepted for who they are. * What is the status of GLBT people in the U. S. today? Today Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgender people are a lot more accepted then say 30+ years ago, but there is still vast room for improvement.Depending on the state, it is now legal for gay men and lesbian women to get married. The same goes for adoption also. Currently there are about twelve states in the country that do not permit GLBT adoptions. That is because some of those states don’t recognize the couple as a true couple. They are basing their decision on the Bible, even though there is supposed to be a separation of church and state. Since the church does not acknowledge the GLBT lifestyle, they will never be accepted by the church. * What are some social and political issues relevant to women and GLBT people in the U.S.? In politics, women seem to be equal to men in the United States. The Supreme Court got their first female justice on September 25, 1981 when Sandra Day O’Connor was appointed. The next major milestone was the first Hispanic female j ustice. Sonia M. Sotomayor was appointed on August 8, 2009. Because of the last election, the senate has 20 female Senators, which is the most in history. Nancy Pelosi became the first female Speaker of the House. As for members of the GLBT community, there are a handful of gay men and lesbian women who are known in government.Their lifestyle choice did not stop them from getting elected which is hopeful in the long run. They were voted into office because their constituents thought they were the best person for the job. I think the political arena is tougher for GLBT to navigate because it is such a hot topic between church and state and Democrats and Republicans. A person that claims to be conservative won’t be able to also come out as someone from the GLBT community. Most likely because Conservatives don’t accept the GLBT lifestyle to begin with.Socially, women have the edge of GLBT people also. Women have been accepted socially way longer then they had the right to vote. Granted, the socialization was usually just woman socializing with women; it was still an acceptable thing. For the GLBT community, they tend to socialize more amongst themselves than in any other forum. Not saying, they won’t socialize at all with heterosexuals. If they aren’t socializing with people that know they are of that lifestyle, they are not making it known that they are of that lifestyle. REFERENCESJohnson, R. (2013). Where is Gay Adoption Legal? About. com Guide. Retrieved from http://gaylife. about. com/od/gayparentingadoption/a/gaycoupleadopt_2. htm Supreme Court of the United States. (2013) Members of the Supreme Court of the United States. Retrieved from http://www. supremecourt. gov/about/members. aspx Terkel, A. (2012). Women In Senate: 2012 Election Ushers in Historic Number of Female Senators. Huffington Post. com. Retrieved from http://www. huffingtonpost. com/2012/11/07/women-senate-2012-election_n_2086093. html

Friday, January 3, 2020

Edgar Allan Poe s The Light Romantics - 1798 Words

Romantic Gothicism Research One of the most well known and popular English literature movements out of the many that have progressed throughout history, is gothic romanticism. Also known as dark romanticism, it is a movement that rose during the eighteenth century whose origins come from northern Europe, emerging after the ‘light romantics’. This movement consists of gothic writers who prominently focused on phenomenons, melancholy emotions, darker insights and provided elements through their works based off these characteristics of darkness. It has become a trend in which heavily influenced, not just writing, but as well as architecture, attire, and the perspective of individuals who experienced this time of gothicism. Gothicism had†¦show more content†¦However, this possibility would only be disregarded since the construction of the passages clauses do not intertwine with the infinitive and adjective of the two words, concluding that because of the infinitive waljam is â€Å"substantive verb of wisan† (442) and therefore questioning any greek influence. Though despite the possibility of greek influence, Author Benson, associate of Yale University, reports in his scholarly article The English Element in Swedish Romanticism, that there are two groups of goths such as the gothics who, as Benson states in his own words, â€Å"remain goths only†, while the Fosforists were another group in which considered other sympathies than just being goth. Furthermore, considered the most popular gothic writer as well as the founder of the detective stories, American poet and writer, Edgar Allan Poe, author to The Fall of the House of Usher, and many other works, was born to actor parents, Eliza Poe and David Poe Jr. in Boston Massachusetts on the 19th of January in 1809. Just still being a toddler, misfortune struck Poe along with his siblings when they were left orphans after their mother died of consumption. This would become the beginning of the misery and misfortune that Poe would have to endureShow MoreRelatedEdgar Allan Poe : The Tale Heart, The Fall Of The House Of Usher, And Annabel Lee Essay1372 Words   |  6 PagesEdgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe is well known for his poetry. Edgar Allan Poe was not only a world renowned poet, but he is also known as being a writer of short stories, as well as known for being a critic. Edgar Allan Poe has many literary works; quite possibly the most famous one being The Raven. 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